The Seduction of Coffee

mmmmm some days I may only get a cup other days I can have as much as three cups!!! It all depends on the occasion and I might down a pot. Truth be told, for as much as I’m known for loving wine – coffee has a special place in my heart first and foremost ( does this confession mean I loose my liquor license?) ofthe things I’ve learned in life, like the best things in life are free; except coffee, if it’s crappy coffee, it’s not worth the cup it’s poured in. 

People rave about Tim Horton’s coffee. Yes it’s good, but I’ve also have the odd bad cup from there probably every one out of four double-double. It’s just like anywhere. But that doesn’t cause me to give up completely. That’s just crazy talk. Back when we owned our first house in the 90’s before the little mess makers came along, I remember having an empty house to myself, I’d crank the stereo, and throw on a huge pot of coffee and clean my house till the pot was empty – ah…. Those were the days. Wired from a caffeine buzz comes to mind. The down side to being slightly addicted to coffee is that if you happen to miss a day (more crazy talk) say if you’re sick, I personally get a kick-ass headache the next day! Yes, I’m a slave to the black juice. 

I remember going to a friends house, down my mom’s street. They were Mennonites from Paraguay, and those kids always drank coffee. Their mom offered me dome, saying it was half milk and lots of sugar. I was eight years old and I liked it. Till this day, a nice steaming cup lures me. Especially first thing in the morning; it kicks starts me into consciousness. It’s not as much the caffeine at first, but something warm to tingle down my throat and unclog my chest and sinuses. It’s soothing and the aroma is intoxicating.  It’s welcoming taste gives a nice kick, not too sweet not too tart…. Just right. 

Many times in my life I’ve had free coffee, like at some jobs it was considered a perk. But who knows what was in it? I drank it, call me a Java whore (no-don’t) but when it’s free you simply bring your own coffee creamer, cause if you don’t your stuck with the carnation powder <BLECH> . Just like when I stayed at my moms house on the weekends all she had was Nescafé instant coffee and carnation powder – she lived on it. Because I was a teenager and the only other food she had was bread and margarine, it had to suffice, back in the 80’s you really didn’t have the luxury of a coffee shop every other block – all us kids had was the 7-11 to hang at. Plus why waste using money from my weekend alcohol fund to buy coffee from the Robin’s Donut shop that was beyond walking distance. 

The hardest withdrawal period I had from coffee was twice in my life – 18 months – 9 months each pregnancy (well the first pregnancy was closer to 10 months little bugger refused to come out). I did not have a drop – that was soooo hard. The withdrawals were so bad I actually had dreams, in my sleep about drinking coffee and enjoying – not drinking alcohol…. Not sex…. But being seduced by coffee. That’s hardcore, right there!!!!

About jnflamand

I love to write, in fact, my mind is a like a running tap most days! It's unfortunate that with having a crazy, busy life most original ideas are lost in the shuffle. However there are the few that get through, and as twisted as they are, they get my creative juices flowing. "What If....." has to be my favorite definitive statement, as it all starts from there. I like it as a starting point as I try to bend the concept and make my ideas believable. I write to make others 'Think'!
This entry was posted in 7-11, Alcohol, Children, Coffee, Committment, Humour, Memories, Pregnancy, Reflection, Under age drinking and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to The Seduction of Coffee

  1. Lisa says:

    Mmmmmmmmmm coffeee!!!!!!!
    I can relate on SO many levels… powdered whitener? BLECH!, Timmies? Blech! (yeah shoot me) and of course the withdrawals from quitting cold turkey when I was pregnant too…

    Also I accidentally turned my 17 year old son into a coffee snob with our fair-trade beans and coffee maker with stainless carafe that has a built in hopper and grinds the beans immediately before brewing. He’ll never drink his dad’s Nabob in the Black&Decker glass carafe again LOL!


    • jnflamand says:

      It’s good for him to have standard that way he’ll hopefully never be subjected to free coffee for the sake of it being free lol. I would like to take it one step further and grind my own beans….one day 😁


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