Waiting is the hardest Part

It’s a shame we can’t always get what we want when we want it. I think if I had to calculate how much time I’ve spent waiting – in general – in my life, I’d say I’ve probably wasted a year if my life waiting. Waiting for what exactly? Everything; people, on hold, traffic lights, lineups at the bank, appointments, interviews, giving birth, finding love and friends to show up. There no limit – we’ve all been there. When I’m late for some outing, I refer to it as being fashionably late. As I get older my perception of time ( traffic jams aside) is impeccable. I now seem to be the first one to show up at a restaurant and have to wait for others. That’s fine. I know they’ve paid their share if time waiting  on me.

I guess waiting builds character, or stamina? “Good things come to those who wait?” obviously, the person who said that never had to wait! Unfortunately with fate, you never no if you are waiting for something, if it were to be ‘good’ or ‘bad’.

I’m as impatient as the next person, with a twist: I am cursed with an imagination. Not just your regular imagination, but Vente. An over active imagination. Its kinda like playing chess. The longer I wait, the more I have come up with at least 20 scenarios on how something is going to play out. Whether its, hours, days, months and unfortunately – years. That’s a looooooong story.

The longer you wait, especially on an outcome, that’s when the bartering in my head turns on. ‘If this goes this way, I’m no longer going to do this…..If this happens, then I promise i’ll stop doing that….’ Like I’m redeeming my issues with the force of invisibility. Such as an entity, if you believe in that. No one rolls the dice or controls the outcome to anyone – but YOU! I put a lot of trust in the belief that positive thinking feeds the universe. Its unfortunate that too many people are tainted by outside forces such as opinions, false witnesses and even the evil internet to depend on an outcome.

Waiting sucks, but its a fact of life. Like Sleeping. They say you sleep a third of you life away. To me, that sounds like a sweet deal! I’m sure that statistic doesn’t work in my favor unless I was still 15 years old and can nap whenever I want. Unfortunately most adults do not have that advantage. If you’re lucky & not sleep deprived! it almost seems like a luxury for uninterrupted sleep once you have kids and have a spouse that seems to snore to contact alien life forms in twenty different ‘snore’ languages.

But here’s another sad fact of waiting that dictates life, is that it leads to procrastination. I think that everyone gets so use to ‘waiting’ being the norm, that they follow suit and everything to another day, moment, week, month or even year. ‘I’ll take the kids on a trip, when they’re older….I’ll buy that sexy bathing suit when I lost twenty pounds….I’ll buy that car when the van dies…..’. the cycle goes on and on and on. If you ‘wait’ for that invisible moment, it will never happen.

I’m not a life coach. I’m not a motivational speaker. I’m simply a person who has based their life on a lot of moments that have come and gone. I have always played it safe and as a result, I have lost out on some real life changing experiences, opting to wait for a time that would be more covenant.

So to that I say Life does not Wait.




About jnflamand

I love to write, in fact, my mind is a like a running tap most days! It's unfortunate that with having a crazy, busy life most original ideas are lost in the shuffle. However there are the few that get through, and as twisted as they are, they get my creative juices flowing. "What If....." has to be my favorite definitive statement, as it all starts from there. I like it as a starting point as I try to bend the concept and make my ideas believable. I write to make others 'Think'! www.jnflamand.com
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