Fighting From The Inside Out

Making waves one pool at a time. You never know how deep the ocean is either till you dip your toes in. It’s like anything you want bad enough. You break away from the mold and you try something g new. Nothing different ever occurred in the world of complacency. Change; sometimes good, sometimes bad.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be a two year old again? You can kick and scream and some inexperienced care giver / parent  might cave and give Into your demands. Some adults do that. Some just like to cause trouble.

Anyone who knows me, understands how the elderly hold a special place in my heart. Since I was raised by my grandparents I have a certain level of respect that most wouldn’t have or understand for seniors. 

But not all seniors are created equal. I pulled into a parking spot at the grocery store, at the far end of the lot cause it was crrrrrrazy there today. Putting my vehicle into park, an old man was standing in front of the hood of my car waving his arms about & pointing to the vehicle beside me. 

I could already tell this wasn’t going to be good.He walks closer to my side of the vehicle, I glare at him & I call out, ‘is there a problem?’                                 He says back, ‘you almost hit that car! You came <. > close!’ I look over and I’m a good two feet away. He continues to flap his arms about like he’s about to take off. ‘And you were going way to fast!’ 

Im thinking, this can’t be happening, right? I pipe up cause I’m totally insulted at this point and this old timer was soooo dramatic! ‘Well I’ve been driving for 29 years now, I kinda know what I’m doing and secondly mind your own business!’ 

I was ticked but tried to keep my cool, as the only thing this old man was missing was a hat! He’s making a scene over nothing, it didn’t even concern his car, I park this good at least a herded times a day, my vehicle is like my second skin, yet he was trying to pick a fight with me ? I’m very patient & respectful of my elders but equally I have no tolerance for rude people – regardless of age! 

I bark back while he’s still yammering on about my driving ability, ‘maybe you should worry more about your own business and when they take your license away for bring too old to drive,’ wow that was mean..  Then he flagged his hands at me as he walked past my open window,  I threw in, ‘and have a good day at the seniors home!’ Again evil of me but man I was pissed! 

One thing I’m actually impressed with was the fact I didn’t use one swear or cuss word, cause I could have! In this day and age with the crazies running rampant, this fella shouldn’t challenge strangers. I coulda had a concealed weapon or I could have vandalized his van after he walked away. You just never know! I bet he went home later that day, sat on his porch and screamed at the neighbourhood kids, ‘GET OFF MY LAWN!!!!’

About jnflamand

I love to write, in fact, my mind is a like a running tap most days! It's unfortunate that with having a crazy, busy life most original ideas are lost in the shuffle. However there are the few that get through, and as twisted as they are, they get my creative juices flowing. "What If....." has to be my favorite definitive statement, as it all starts from there. I like it as a starting point as I try to bend the concept and make my ideas believable. I write to make others 'Think'!
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